Thursday, July 28, 2011

Eddie and Alex

Here's my version of the Van Halen pattern.
Which one's Eddie and which is Alex?

Tuesday, July 26, 2011


The new Tangled is now live.
You don't have to go to Sock Summit to use this coupon!
View my socks here.

Sunday, July 24, 2011


Cole has been wanting a pet all his life. Jeff is allergic to most furry animals, but Cole recently acquired this:
Isn't it nifty?

Friday, July 22, 2011

Port Hudson Organics

Yesterday, Cole and I went to rehearsal and came home with watermelons.

And two eggplants and five tomatoes. What's that? You only see four tomatoes in the picture? Hm . . . something must have happened to the other one. I hope it wasn't something sordid involving scrambled eggs and cheese.

Cole and I meet regularly with Thais Perkins of Port Hudson Organic Farm to rehearse for . . . well, for fun and any other important projects that might arise. We all enjoy it immensely and are looking forward to playing in public once we find a venue.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

gecko hat and headband

I'm pleased to announce the availability of my Gecko Hat and Headband pattern for only $3:

Gecko Hat and Headband

Sunday, July 17, 2011


My sock design, Van Halen, is featured on the Tangled Blog in the upper left.

Once I played a movement of one of Bach's partitas for solo violin on a recital, and one of the audience members told me, "You play violin like Eddie Van Halen plays guitar." Later, he asked me to show him some of my riffs.

I wonder whether Tangled was thinking of my approach to colorwork when they named the pattern. I'm choosing to take it as a compliment.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

binding off

Here's a way to bind off stitches that really helps your bind off stay loose. I "unvented" it while working through Lynne Barr's mind-opening Reversible Knitting. Captions are beneath the photos.

Here I have one stitch knit.

I put that stitch back onto the needle,

inserted my right needle through the next stitch as if to knit,

wrapped the yarn,

. . . and . . .

pulled the loop through both stitches.


This method helps keep the first stitch open. If you want extra insurance, you can hold it open with your thumb. I would use my left thumb to hold it open from the time I put it back onto the needle to the time I pulled the loop through both stitches.

Several stitch patterns in Reversible Knitting call for passing slipped or worked stitches over other stitches. I find this method saves time, but I don't assume that would be the case for everyone. I just fling the stitch back onto the needle when I'm going in for my next stitch. Slick, if I do say so myself.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

leftward leanings

If you knit, you may already know about the SSK decrease, which is in my opinion the best looking left-leaning decrease. It involves slipping two stitches knitwise, one at a time, and then knitting these slipped stitches through the back loops.

You can also work this decrease without taking the stitches off the first needle. It especially works well with wooden or bamboo needles, but metal works, too.

Here's how to do it (captions are below the photos they reference):

Insert the needle knitwise into the first stitch, but do not take it off.

Bring the needle to the front of your work without removing it from the stitch.

Insert the needle knitwise through the next stitch.

Wrap the yarn around the needle,

pull it through the second stitch,

take yarn and needle between the two stitches to the back of the work,

bring them through the first stitch,

and slip both stitches off.

This method will save time and (more importantly) add variety to your knitting repertoire. I find it eminently satisfying to have more than one way of working the same stitch.

Many thanks to Cole for the photography.